Monday, January 17, 2011


I love reading this encyclopedia of Howard Hughes Jokes.I got this book off from ebay for one hundred tweenty five dollars back in 1966.Somebody bought same book i have at ebay for more than two thousand dollars, lucky me i got this for only $125.00.

One of the jokes i like and made me laugh is this,
Because there was too much grumbling at the RKO studio about Howard Hughes always giving starring roles to his current girl friends,Hughes announced that he was going to give all the girls an equal chance to star in one of his cowboy movies."we'll let the brains be a test as well as beauty",he said.
He and the producers called in all the RKO hopefuls,as well as his own girl friend,and asked one question,"How many legs does a horse have?"
His girl friend,who gave the answer "three legs",still won the part.After the girls left the room,his colleagues took him to ask for not keeping his word.Some could hardly contain their annoyance.Hughes said nothing--just looked straight ahead.
Later,the director took Hughes aside and asked how he could give the part to a girl who was so dumb she thought a horse had only three legs.
Said Hughes,sheepishly,"It was a crippled horse."
 Hahahahaha funny right?Thank you for reading..If you want  some more jokes out from this book just leave a comment and i will post more for you.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


I bought this  Magazine back in 1965 for thirty dollars.$30.00 back then was a lot of  money but i did not care about  how much it cost what i cared about was the story of Howard Hughes and i wanted that piece to add into my collection so, i bought it no quetions asked.Time The Weekly Newsmagazine was a famous because they are the only magazine that writes about famous and important people.Back then Time Magazine cost you 20 cents per copy or six dollars per year.This piece of my collection was issued July 19,1948.According to Time Magazine Howard Hughes, Money + Brains = Fun(sometimes).